Whether I've been in opposition or part of the leading administraion at TDC I've always backed practical and realistic projects that I felt would benefit the local residents we represent. The newspaper article here was from 2010 when I was leader of the opposition at TDC and I gave the planned Task Force my wholehearted support right from the start.
The recent announcement that TDC is to now receive more than £290,000 as part of the Transformation Challenge Award for 2015-16 is very good news for residents too.
Before I stood down as council leader I made it very clear that expanding the multi-agency service the Task Force currently delivers in Cliftonville West and Margate Central, district-wide had to be our goal and I congratulate all involved in the succesful bid that should now make that happen.
Co-locating the Margate Task Force, Thanet District Council Community Safety Team, Kent Police Community Safety Unit and additional voluntary services this year is a good move and Cliftonville West residents can also be assured we ward councillors will be monitoring the situation to make sure it doesn't in any way detract from the sterling work already taking place in our ward.